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the future
with Samsung
Semiconductor Europe

Continuous innovation in technology leadership is the key to driving digital transformation with our customers and partners across industries.

Jens Kahrweg
President of EMEA

Based on our vision of “accelerating the future with Device Solutions technologies” for various future trends such as AI, 5G, IoT, big data, cloud computing, automotive and more, Samsung Semiconductor Europe has relocated to Munich, a leading high-tech hub in Germany. Here we can offer faster response times to our customers and attract the best talent. The move to Munich marks a new era for us as we embark upon a new age of innovation, cooperation and trust, together with our colleagues, customers and partners.

 Jens Kahrweg, the President of EMEA headquarters.

Our Relocation Story

Aiming to be on the doorstep of many key customers and partners with whom the company is driving digital transformation across industries, Samsung Semiconductor Europe completed the relocation of its EMEA headquarters from the Frankfurt region to Munich, a leading high-tech hub in Germany, at the end of September 2020.

EMEA Network

View from below of three office towers.

With one of the best geographic coverages in the industry, Samsung Semiconductor has
a long-standing and respected presence in the EMEA market.

Munich, Germany

Einsteinstraße 174, 81677 München, Germany


Paris, France

Centre d’Affaires la Boursidière, Rue de la Boursidière, Bat. Jura, 92350 Le Plessis Robinson, France


London, UK

Building 5, The Heights Brooklands Weybridge Surrey, KT130NY, UK


Glasgow, UK

Pavilion 3, St James Business Park, 81 Linwood Road, Paisley, PA3 3BB, UK


Helsinki, Finland

Keilaranta 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland


Tel Aviv, Israel

Azrieli Town, Derech Begin 146, Tel Aviv, Israel


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